Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns serve as a robust solution for restoring smiles impaired by chipped, cracked, broken, or decayed teeth. These custom-made caps are designed to cover a damaged tooth, not only enhancing its appearance but also providing strength and protection against further deterioration. By encapsulating the entire visible portion of the tooth, crowns help maintain good oral hygiene and safeguard the tooth’s structural integrity, ensuring that your smile remains both beautiful and functional. Let’s explore both the benefits and considerations to bear in mind when opting for this type of dental restoration at Cottage Dental

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a custom-fitted cap placed over a tooth that has been damaged by decay, injury, or wear, effectively encasing the entire visible portion of the tooth. The primary role of a dental crown is to restore the tooth’s shape, strength, size, and appearance, maintaining or improving the tooth’s functionality and aesthetic value.

The process of getting a dental crown fitted involves several steps, starting with the dentist reshaping and filing the original tooth to create a suitable base for the crown. This is an important step as it ensures the crown will fit properly and securely. An impression of the filed tooth and surrounding teeth is then taken and sent to a dental lab where the crown is crafted. Once completed, the crown is cemented onto the prepared tooth, fully encapsulating it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns stand out as a great option for restoring not only the aesthetics of a smile but also the functionality of teeth that have been compromised. They serve an essential role in dental restoration by encasing a damaged or decayed tooth with a custom-designed cover, effectively bringing back its original shape and size, and more importantly, its strength. This is particularly beneficial for teeth that are too broken or decayed to hold a dental filling.

One of the most appreciated advantages of dental crowns is their aesthetic appeal. Crowns are tailor-made to match the color and appearance of your natural teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from your original teeth. This seamless integration helps in restoring your smile to its natural state, boosting both your appearance and confidence.

Crowns offer robust protection to teeth that have been weakened by damage or decay. By enveloping the entire visible portion of the tooth, a crown provides a protective shell that guards against further deterioration and strengthens the tooth’s structure, which might otherwise be vulnerable to breaking. This helps prevent the progression of more severe dental issues.

Additionally, in cases where tooth decay has significantly advanced close to the nerve, a crown paired with necessary dental procedures like root canal therapy can save the tooth from complete nerve removal or extraction. This advantage makes crowns a less invasive alternative compared to dental implants, which require complete tooth extraction before installation. 

While dental crowns offer significant benefits, they come with potential risks that patients should consider. Some risks may include nerve damage, discomfort, as well as further tooth decay, and increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures after the crown is placed. 

Making the Right Choice: Dental Crowns vs. Alternatives

Choosing the right dental restoration method depends greatly on the condition of the tooth and the patient’s overall dental health. Dental crowns are often recommended for severely damaged teeth where fillings cannot offer enough strength or aesthetic appeal. Crowns provide a complete cap and protection, making them ideal for teeth that have undergone root canal therapy or have extensive decay. 

Alternatively, fillings are less invasive and better suited for minor repairs. Dental implants are considered when the tooth is missing or too damaged to save, offering a durable, long-term solution. Each option has its specific applications, and the best choice varies by individual needs.

Visit Cottage Dental Today

Dental crowns offer several advantages, including enhancing the aesthetic appearance of your smile and providing substantial protection for damaged teeth. However, they also come with potential risks. Carefully weighing the pros and cons of dental crowns will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your overall dental health goals. Consult with a dental professional at Cottage Dental located in Fullerton, CA who can assess your specific dental needs and conditions. 

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